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Daily Express May.22,2024 Spot Market Today

22 May 2024

In today’s DRAM spot market, the buying sentiment remains subdued. Although market quotation keeps adjusting downwards, there is limited strength in actual buying orders. The overall market trend is expected to adjust downwards, and the final trading condition is stagnant. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 remains at USD 1.917, and the average price of DDR4

Daily Express May.21,2024 Spot Market Today

21 May 2024

In today’s DRAM spot market, the overall market sentiment is sluggish. Some suppliers continue to lower their prices, but buyers’ interest remains deserted. Buyers are mostly adopting a conservative and passive approach, with low willingness to accept market quotations. As a result, the final trading condition is not ideal. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8

Daily Express May.20,2024 Spot Market Today

20 May 2024

In today’s DRAM spot market, the market momentum is stagnant. Both buyers and sellers are adopting a wait-and-see attitude, and the buyer’s demand remains insufficient. The spot quotation remains relatively stable with no significant fluctuations, and the overall trading condition is stagnant. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 drops to USD 1.920, and

Daily Express May.17,2024 Spot Market Today

17 May 2024

In today’s DRAM spot market, there is a noticeable increase in available stock. In order to lower inventory level and release selling pressure, suppliers are offering low prices to attract buying orders. However, buyer demands remain limited, and the overall trading condition remains subdued. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 drops to USD 1.924, and the ave

Price Reduction Fears Impact Industrial Chain; Manufacturer Cash Flow is Crucial As the Prices Plummet

17 May 2024

Polysilicon: Polysilicon prices have declined further throughout the week. The mainstream concluded price for mono recharge polysilicon is R

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