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Car Sharing Is Ready to Take Off as New Transportation Model with Over 15M Members by 2016, According to TrendForce

26 August 2015

The emergence of car sharing services began with the founding of Zipcar in 1999. Since then, car sharing has taken off across the world due to its flexibility when compared with traditional car rental and carpooling services. Some well-known car sharing operations include Autolib, a French-based venture that has been expanding aggressively, and the popular micro-transportation program in Hangzhou, China.

Infrastructure and Business Model Are Key to Market Breakthrough for Smart E-Scooters, Says TrendForce

25 June 2015

Chinese and Taiwanese tech companies are currently making an impact on the electric scooter (e-scooter) market. Taiwan-based e-scooter manufacturer Gogoro received much praise for its Smartscooter at this year’s International CES. Since its reveal, the Smartscooter has captured the public’s attention with its innovative design, use of smart technologies and distinct business model.

75% of the World’s Cars Will Be Connected by 2020, Reports TrendForce

8 April 2015

Autonomous vehicles will enter mass production by 2020 as more and more major auto makers in recent years have committed to their R&D, according to Topology, a division of TrendForce. Furthermore, the scale of the market will likely surpass a million vehicle mark by 2035.

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