Sustainability | Center for Automotive Research An independent nonprofit research organization Tue, 20 Aug 2024 16:51:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sustainability | Center for Automotive Research 32 32 Affordability: The Twenty-Five Thousand Dollar Electric Vehicle Tue, 20 Aug 2024 16:45:05 +0000

Affordability: The Twenty-Five Thousand Dollar Electric Vehicle

White Paper

A topic on the minds of consumers and automotive industry members alike relates to vehicle affordability. CAR explores this issue in detail in a series of round table discussions with experts and industry stakeholders with a focus on supply, demand, and policy dynamics at play to affect affordability.

In this whitepaper, CAR outlines the drivers of increasing production costs, determining how to reach economies of scale via supply, and analyzing whether a $25000 vehicle is, in fact, affordable for consumers to bolster demand. Finally, CAR examines how policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions impact vehicle manufacturing and sales. This article is a timely and useful primer on the evolving factors affecting the automotive industry.


Escalating Need for Auto Supply Chain Action to Align with Paris and Limit Warming to 1.5*C Thu, 07 Sep 2023 13:17:40 +0000 While sustainability in the automotive industry is not new, it is becoming an increasingly vital part of doing business for many. In recent years, the industry has been coping with supply chain disruptions resulting from the pandemic and ongoing parts and semiconductor shortages. However, amid these enduring challenges, sustainability has become top of mind for many automakers and suppliers. Internal and external pressures are propelling the industry toward incorporating more sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.

As a result, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, such as the demand to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to meet the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, have become increasingly commonplace across all aspects of automotive operations. Agencies such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seek to further guide industry reduction of CO2 emissions, reaching net-zero emissions globally by 2050. As a result, many vehicle manufacturers have carbon neutrality targets in place, commonly announced through public annual sustainability reports, showcasing their sustainability efforts and goals. Topics included in these reports range from renewable energy to human rights efforts. These announcements are critical

in signaling to investors and stakeholders public-facing organizational sustainability initiatives. Still, some companies are limited in providing actionable and measurable data and often lack consistency in reporting from one manufacturer to the next. Despite the challenges from this significant shift in the automotive industry, there are also opportunities to further align across stakeholders, make additional commitments to broader climate initiatives, and advocate for more comprehensive regulations. A coordinated effort is an important step in achieving sustainability goals now that the industry has recognized accelerated action is required to limit global automotive operations’ environmental and social impact.

CAR researchers conducted supplier roundtable sessions, and interviews with vehicle manufacturers, and assessed publicly available industry information to help gain a better understanding of industry action in this area. The vehicle manufacturer interviews were a cornerstone of the research, which were conducted to explore sustainability efforts in the automotive industry across six topic areas including (a) Corporate Goals and Commitments, (b) Carbon, (c) Social, (d) Sourcing and Suppliers, (e) Products and Materials, and (f) Moving Forward. These interviews intended to gain a more comprehensive understanding of existing sustainability goals, strategies for meeting these goals, the existing obstacles to progress, and possible pathways to resolve these obstacles.

Based on these findings, this study has identified recommendations and targeted industry action that can help the automotive industry increase collaboration and accelerate efforts to achieve 1.5°C, limiting climate change throughout the supply chain.

The Inflation Reduction Act: Clean Vehicle Credits Fri, 07 Oct 2022 20:13:09 +0000 On August 16, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 into law. The law will, among many things, allocate nearly $370 billion to climate and energy-focused investments and incentives. The IRA resulted from a hard-fought effort that created a complex regulation. One of the many things the IRA does is amends the existing Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit program by creating the Clean Vehicle Credit provision, a key element of the IRA and one that is likely to have a significant impact on the clean vehicle market. The CVC maintains the $7,500 tax credit for consumers who purchase a new clean vehicle, i.e., battery electric vehicles (BEV), plug-in electric vehicles (PHEV), and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) while eliminating the current 200,000 vehicle cap per automaker. It also allows consumers to receive a $4,000 tax credit for purchasing a used clean vehicle. Although the IRA extends the $7,500 tax credit for consumers, which is now available at the point of sale, it also adds critical qualifications and restrictions, including strict eligibility requirements for vehicle assembly and critical mineral and battery sourcing for manufacturers. The new law also imposes vehicle manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) limits and personal income caps for consumers purchasing clean vehicles.

The IRA Clean Vehicle Credits attempts to address many challenges regarding consumer acceptance of BEVs and other advanced propulsion technologies. One key objective of the regulation is to support President Biden’s goal of reaching 50 percent EV market share by 2030 while ensuring a strong domestic supply base for this critical technology. The U.S. has recently faced supply chain challenges causing long wait times, along with serious national security concerns due to foreign markets controlling large portions of the EV supply chain. In response, the law aims to limit the role of China and other foreign entities of concern role in the sourcing of EV critical minerals, raw materials, and battery components to the U.S. market. However, the IRA’s clean vehicle credit nuances may hinder the EV market at a time when automotive and battery manufacturers are investing billions in the industry. Manufacturers will face challenges in the coming years as they work towards building a domestic chain to meet the Clean Vehicle Credit requirements. Additionally, the complexity of the regulation could lead to confusion and frustration among potential consumers.

Sustainability Roundtable Whitepaper Thu, 19 May 2022 18:18:58 +0000 CAR conducts quarterly meetings with CAR Affiliates—a group of over 65 automotive stakeholders whose contributions support CAR’s research activities. Over the past 18 months, sustainability has become a key point of discussion at these meetings. The increasing focus on sustainability is even more noteworthy amidst seemingly unprecedented challenges and change. While many companies have been considering how to implement sustainable practices for years, the speed at which the topic went from being just one of many challenges to high importance is, frankly, surprising. As the automotive industry faces a seemingly unending list of challenges, creating a vision for a sustainable future is becoming ever more critical.

Sustainability is complex and challenging. At its core, sustainability contains three pillars: environmental, social, and governance, commonly referred to as ESG. The Affiliates guided CAR to focus initial efforts on the environmental pillar of sustainability. Given the enormous challenges environmental sustainability presents, it is a logical starting point. However, CAR and its Affiliates understand the social and governance pillars are critical and worthy of equal attention in the coming years.

In the fourth quarter of 2021, CAR convened two roundtable discussions with Affiliates to explore environmental sustainability challenges. Participants included representatives from material suppliers, part and component manufacturers, consulting firms, and service firms. CAR designed the roundtables to understand industry stakeholders’ most critical concerns in developing an environmental sustainability plan. The two roundtables included a total of 15 people from different companies. The participants were a diverse group with many different perspectives.

CAR researchers designed the roundtables to accomplish three main outcomes. Better understand stakeholders’ perspectives on their companies’ sustainability strategies and challenges; gather insights on their perspectives regarding their customers (the vehicle manufacturers) sustainability expectations and; the role CAR should play in supporting stakeholders’ sustainability efforts. This report summarizes the roundtable outcomes and possible next steps.
