
[News] Google to Add EUR 1 Billion for AI Business in Reaction to CSPs’ Strong Demands

2024-05-22 Semiconductors editor

On May 20, a report by Reuters revealed that Google plans to invest an additional Euro 1 billion in its data center park in Finland. This move aims to expand the scale and boost its AI business growth in Europe.

The report notes that in recent years, many data centers have been established in Nordic countries due to the cool climate, tax incentives, and ample supply of renewable energy. Finland’s wind power capacity has seen significant growth over these years, up by 75% to 5,677 megawatts by 2022, which brings electricity prices even down to negative values on particularly windy days.

Thus, Data center operators like Google have been taken advantage of this renewable energy, and already signed long-term wind power purchase agreements in Finland.

Driven by the AI wave, cloud providers such as Microsoft, Google, Meta, and Amazon have an increasingly robust demand for AI servers and data centers.

According to a previous forecast by TrendForce, considering the global CSPs’ demands for high-end AI servers (Those equipped with NVIDIA, AMD, or other high-end ASIC chips included) in 2024, the demands from four major U.S. CSPs: Microsoft, Google, AWS, and Meta are expected to account for 20.2%, 16.6%, 16%, and 10.8% of global demand respectively, reigning over the global market with a total proportion of more than 60%.

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(Photo credit: Google)

Please note that this article cites information from WeChat account DRAMeXchange and Reuters.

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