Technology Research | Center for Automotive Research An independent nonprofit research organization Thu, 01 Feb 2024 18:52:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Technology Research | Center for Automotive Research 32 32 The Electric Vehicle Battery and Circular Economy Observations Tue, 16 Jan 2024 15:26:35 +0000 The Electric Vehicle Battery and Circular Economy Observations

Recycling, Jobs, R&D & Scope 3 Carbon Emissions

The concept of a circular economy for Lithium-Ion batteries (LiBs), along with its drivers, barriers and enablers has been studied recently (NREL 2021) with a view to inform public policy at the federal, state, and local levels and associated government initiatives and related goal setting. More recently, estimates on the monetary value generated per ton of battery recycling material have begun to appear [McKinsey 2023], as private investors and public sector agencies look for strategic and operational guidance. At Center for Automotive Research (CAR) we have observed an accelerated investment in electric-vehicle (EV) assembly plants, EV LiB manufacturing and related research & development (R&D) in the North America – primarily in the United States (U.S.), followed by Canada and Mexico.

With the intention of looking ahead and informing automotive policy makers, investors, manufacturers and suppliers, and communities, including the state and local economic developers, CAR has summarized our initial observations in this whitepaper. We begin with an overview of the U.S. battery recycling plant locations and capacities, as they stand in mid-2023. This is followed by our observation of the U.S. market demand for battery recycling jobs, skills, and roles. Next, we outline the U.S. battery R&D outlay and then conclude with an early observation of the growing urgency to help the auto investors and communities with Scope 3 Reporting. Keywords: Circularity, batteries, Lithium-ion, recycling, emissions, Scope 3, electric vehicles, EVs, inflation reduction act, IRA.

Analog AM Band Interference in Electric Vehicles Fri, 03 Nov 2023 21:26:38 +0000 There is an effort in the US Congress to require automakers to maintain AM radio in all vehicles, including new electric vehicles (EVs). However, the nature of EVs and their operating conditions, including acceleration and deceleration, pose a challenge to ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) with the analog AM band radio. This study, conducted by the Center for Automotive Research (CAR), shows that mitigating electromagnetic interference (EMI) in an EV is challenging and could lead to added costs for vehicle manufacturers. The cost of mitigation depends upon the electrical architecture of the vehicle and entails several design and engineering tradeoffs. Automakers may mitigate some EMI through vehicle engineering choices, including shielding, filtering, active noise cancellation, and strategic placement of components. These mitigation techniques can improve analog AM band reception. However, a total vehicle system EMC requirement would need to be included from the beginning of any future EV redesign, if not already considered by the automakers, to eliminate the need for piecemeal late-stage mitigations. These costs can be avoided by deleting analog AM radio from vehicles and providing consumers with alternative products for in-vehicle audio content.

State of ADAS, Automation, and Connectivity Wed, 08 Mar 2023 19:50:01 +0000 Vehicles are currently in a new stage of evolution that includes advanced driver assist, connectivity, and automation. Due to the evolving nature of the technology and shifting consumer preferences, the timing and pathway for implementation of these technologies is still uncertain. While these new technologies are still evolving, an understanding of the current automotive landscape may help provide a view to future developments.

The Center for Automotive Research is committed to informing the public about the current state of vehicle technologies. In 2017, 2019, and 2020, CAR published roadmaps describing the current and likely future state of vehicle technologies. To ensure the information forecasted by CAR remained current and reflected the latest in vehicle technologies, trends, and expectations, CAR conducted ongoing research and moderated industry roundtables. Industry roundtable experts included auto manufacturers, parts suppliers, technology providers, data providers, autonomous platforms providers, and technology investors. Following the roundtables, CAR developed an updated roadmap and white paper reflecting industry trends and expectations. This paper summarizes critical issues involving the development and deployment of technology in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), autonomous vehicles (AV), and vehicle connectivity.

The Inflation Reduction Act: Clean Vehicle Credits Fri, 07 Oct 2022 20:13:09 +0000 On August 16, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 into law. The law will, among many things, allocate nearly $370 billion to climate and energy-focused investments and incentives. The IRA resulted from a hard-fought effort that created a complex regulation. One of the many things the IRA does is amends the existing Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit program by creating the Clean Vehicle Credit provision, a key element of the IRA and one that is likely to have a significant impact on the clean vehicle market. The CVC maintains the $7,500 tax credit for consumers who purchase a new clean vehicle, i.e., battery electric vehicles (BEV), plug-in electric vehicles (PHEV), and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) while eliminating the current 200,000 vehicle cap per automaker. It also allows consumers to receive a $4,000 tax credit for purchasing a used clean vehicle. Although the IRA extends the $7,500 tax credit for consumers, which is now available at the point of sale, it also adds critical qualifications and restrictions, including strict eligibility requirements for vehicle assembly and critical mineral and battery sourcing for manufacturers. The new law also imposes vehicle manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) limits and personal income caps for consumers purchasing clean vehicles.

The IRA Clean Vehicle Credits attempts to address many challenges regarding consumer acceptance of BEVs and other advanced propulsion technologies. One key objective of the regulation is to support President Biden’s goal of reaching 50 percent EV market share by 2030 while ensuring a strong domestic supply base for this critical technology. The U.S. has recently faced supply chain challenges causing long wait times, along with serious national security concerns due to foreign markets controlling large portions of the EV supply chain. In response, the law aims to limit the role of China and other foreign entities of concern role in the sourcing of EV critical minerals, raw materials, and battery components to the U.S. market. However, the IRA’s clean vehicle credit nuances may hinder the EV market at a time when automotive and battery manufacturers are investing billions in the industry. Manufacturers will face challenges in the coming years as they work towards building a domestic chain to meet the Clean Vehicle Credit requirements. Additionally, the complexity of the regulation could lead to confusion and frustration among potential consumers.

From Internal Combustion to Battery Electric Vehicles: Enabling Digital Manufacturing – Whitepaper Mon, 12 Sep 2022 23:34:30 +0000 Today’s automotive industry faces a historical shift from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to battery electric vehicles (BEV). This shift is profound, dramatically altering the structure of the automotive value chain and the vehicle manufacturing process. This conversion occurs as the industry undergoes a digital transformation. The ICE to BEV project builds a 2020 CAR project on digital transformation by considering the implications of a transition in propulsion technology and a digital transformation in manufacturing for the North American automotive sector.

The project begins to identify the “white spaces” in manufacturing enabled by a transition to BEV and digital manufacturing. For this project, the research team conducted long-form interviews to support a targeted technology survey of manufacturing (operations) and information technology decision-makers at five vehicle manufacturers. CAR researchers also conducted interviews with leading labor representatives. The gathered information provides a snapshot of how the North American automotive industry is digitally converting vehicle manufacturing and the critical role of BEVs in that conversion.

CAR considered three building blocks to help place structure around the digital transformation enabled by BEV manufacturing: technology (production and digital) process (scheduling, throughput, and quality assurance) and organizational (alignment and skills). CAR researchers also investigate the role of partners in the transition.

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of the ICE to BEV transformation is the sheer breadth of changes to the production process – from new BEV-specific parts, processes, and suppliers to new technology opportunities made possible via digital technologies. Survey results identified the production of the battery cell/module/pack and the selection of suppliers as the primary challenge of the new BEV manufacturing paradigm.

A common theme from the interviews was the uncertainty of demand for BEVs. Several manufacturers are pursuing dual-mode production lines, which will require more flexibility, specifically for ICE and BEV configurations. Digital tools are being implemented to support planning. Based on the survey results, improved supply chain integration and more timely data are the most common ingredients being leveraged for process improvements in production scheduling. Respondents indicated enhanced supplier integration would be needed as EV production increases to avoid disruption and fully leverage analytics to optimize production throughput rapidly.

OEM and Organized Labor respondents agreed that the rate of change in the automotive industry is driving the need for enhanced skills. However, a recurring theme from interviewees punctuated this point by pointing out that these skills were digital transformation-related, much more than being only BEV-related. In other words, skills associated with new digital technologies (i.e., data management requirements, advanced analytics, machine learning, and automation) remain a development priority. Still, they pertain equally to both BEV and ICE vehicles.

While automakers have specified the need to develop new digital transformation and production skills internally within their organizations, they also recognize that there are focused capabilities in which partners can most definitely enhance these efforts. The research concluded that product and service partners in the areas of hardware/software supply, business process consulting, technology consulting, and IT consulting were dispersed. However, “very important” (the very best significance level) rankings did appear at least somewhat in all three business process areas surveyed and across the different partner products and services. This is not entirely surprising, given the current marketplace’s high demand for digital transformation skills.

Digital Transformation and Its Impact on Quality Assurance Whitepaper Wed, 17 Aug 2022 14:48:05 +0000 The conversion brought forth by digital transformation and advanced technologies has made a tremendous impact on the way manufacturers process and manage their organizations. While the strategies of agile and modern management systems, specifically quality management, are the result of digital conversion, there is still limited understanding and unclear identification in this new era of quality assurance impact. With the development of digital methodologies, the classical system of operating businesses has been disrupted. As a result, many organizations are in the process of reacting to digitization by utilizing enhanced business platforms and rebuilding the waterfall approach to the agile approach.

The interviews conducted during this research stated that companies are mainly motivated by a focus on process improvement and demands communicated by their customers. The aim of this paper is to describe how digitization and transformation to new technologies can impact the quality assurance system of the manufacturers, specifically the automotive industries.

Competition amongst quality and consumer satisfaction are the most challenging factors in each industry. This project will focus on the influence of progressive technologies and ingenuity on a variety of modern, agile, and advanced processes in the automotive industry.

The research paper includes the investigation and the introduction of numerous developments and inventions in manufacturing organizations in the last few years. The paper begins by introducing the current challenges in existing processes and the impact of digital methodologies in planning and management – specifically in quality management. This qualitative research will also incorporate a summary that covers the digital transformation and the optimizations in the quality assurance sector of the automotive field.

  • Industry Focus: Technology and Innovation
  • Research Focus: Automotive Industries

The summary of this project will benefit educators within the advanced technology field, manufacturing stakeholders, as well as management. The research will be presented to educate the audience about introducing artificial modern technologies in order to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness of the organization.

Data driven digital platforms for automotive transformation – Whitepaper Fri, 29 Jul 2022 14:16:32 +0000 It is almost cliché that the automotive industry is undergoing transformational change. Perhaps not since the Model T first revolutionized the industry has so much change come so quickly. Driving this evolution is the unstoppable momentum of a Connected, Automated, Shared, and Electrified (CASE) driven digital transformation, which is upending established norms and re-imagining the industry from the inside out. Linear, product-focused business models built on structured data are being replaced by collaborative, data-driven business ecosystems incorporating a broad group of traditional and non-traditional stakeholders and data types. The new value creation frontier is a differentiated, highly-curated, personalized customer experience.

Two key initiatives in this transformation are smart manufacturing/Industry 4.0 and the emphasis on increased collaboration between stakeholders. Critical to this transformation is the ability to eliminate organizational data silos and mine this rich and diverse data stream to derive the next-generation insights to support effective decision-making and innovation at scale. Data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) are key technologies that provide the tools to achieve these objectives.

From an operational perspective, monolithic legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are being reimagined as smart, contextual, and agile digital innovation and collaboration platforms, consisting of a core industry-specific, cloud-based ERP combined with a strategic integration platform for supplemental applications. This modular architecture provides the vital agility, visibility, and scalability capabilities essential for automotive companies to compete and thrive in an ever-evolving environment.

This paper will explore these themes in greater detail. One thing, however, is very clear: Inaction is not a reasonable option. Success in the automotive industry requires next-generation insights delivered through cloud-enabled digital transformation.

Are your organization and technology architecture equipped for success in this new era?

Sustainability Roundtable Whitepaper Thu, 19 May 2022 18:18:58 +0000 CAR conducts quarterly meetings with CAR Affiliates—a group of over 65 automotive stakeholders whose contributions support CAR’s research activities. Over the past 18 months, sustainability has become a key point of discussion at these meetings. The increasing focus on sustainability is even more noteworthy amidst seemingly unprecedented challenges and change. While many companies have been considering how to implement sustainable practices for years, the speed at which the topic went from being just one of many challenges to high importance is, frankly, surprising. As the automotive industry faces a seemingly unending list of challenges, creating a vision for a sustainable future is becoming ever more critical.

Sustainability is complex and challenging. At its core, sustainability contains three pillars: environmental, social, and governance, commonly referred to as ESG. The Affiliates guided CAR to focus initial efforts on the environmental pillar of sustainability. Given the enormous challenges environmental sustainability presents, it is a logical starting point. However, CAR and its Affiliates understand the social and governance pillars are critical and worthy of equal attention in the coming years.

In the fourth quarter of 2021, CAR convened two roundtable discussions with Affiliates to explore environmental sustainability challenges. Participants included representatives from material suppliers, part and component manufacturers, consulting firms, and service firms. CAR designed the roundtables to understand industry stakeholders’ most critical concerns in developing an environmental sustainability plan. The two roundtables included a total of 15 people from different companies. The participants were a diverse group with many different perspectives.

CAR researchers designed the roundtables to accomplish three main outcomes. Better understand stakeholders’ perspectives on their companies’ sustainability strategies and challenges; gather insights on their perspectives regarding their customers (the vehicle manufacturers) sustainability expectations and; the role CAR should play in supporting stakeholders’ sustainability efforts. This report summarizes the roundtable outcomes and possible next steps.

A Brief Review of Proposed Rulemaking: The Revised 2023 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards Tue, 14 Dec 2021 17:22:01 +0000 On 10 August 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Proposed Revision to the 2023 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking functions as a revision to the regulations for the model years (MY) 2023-2026, which the Trump Administration’s Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicle Rules established for Model Years 2021-2026. As with the previous rulemaking, the EPA welcomed comments from relevant industries and organizations. The comment period for the Proposed Rule lasted until 27 September 2021 and included a virtual public hearing held on 25 August 2021. The EPA is expected to announce a final rule by the end of 2021.

Not surprisingly, elements of the Biden Administration’s Proposed Rule reverse many elements of the Trump Administration’s SAFE Rule. It is worthwhile to note that while there was a wide range of reactions to the SAFE Rule, most comments submitted for the 2021 Proposed Rule have been supportive of the proposed revisions—with some notable exceptions. It is also important to note the current Proposed Rule was individually published by the EPA and not jointly with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Recent proposals and subsequent rules have been developed jointly between EPA and NHTSA. The shift to separate rules may indicate growing differences between the two rule-making entities. The industry has strongly supported EPA and NHTSA to develop a single coherent rule.

In the Proposed Rule, the EPA presents and analyzes standards at three levels: The (preferred) proposed standard, a more stringent standard, and a less stringent standard. This paper presents key points of the proposed standard and provides a sample of key stakeholder reactions. However, it is possible—even likely—that the EPA’s final implemented ruling will include elements beyond what has been proposed.

The Proposed Rule intends to supplement the current Administration’s decarbonization goals through the implementation of more stringent emissions regulations. The EPA recognizes that achieving the Administration’s goals will be difficult, and compliance from automotive manufacturers may require increased flexibility. While some organizations may directly benefit from more flexible regulations, others argue that the flexibilities will hinder progress towards emissions reduction.

Vehicle Mass Reduction Roadmap Study 2025-2035 Tue, 13 Apr 2021 12:36:23 +0000 The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Committee on Assessment of Technologies for Improving Fuel Economy of Light-Duty Vehicles, Phase 3 was tasked by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) with providing estimates of the potential cost, fuel economy improvements, and barriers to deployment of technologies for improving fuel economy in 2025-2035 light-duty vehicles. The National Academies Committee was investigating the state of vehicle mass reduction technology readiness and the impact of mass reduction on fuel economy while maintaining vehicle performance and safety requirements.

The Center for Automotive Research (CAR) was commissioned by NASEM to study vehicle mass reduction for model years 2025-2035. Over the past decade, CAR has been a leader in light-duty vehicle mass reduction research. CAR has done work on assessing the real-world barriers to implementing mass reduction technologies (J. Baron, 2016). CAR also worked with nine global vehicle manufacturers to examine material trends over the next decade (Baron & Modi, 2016). The project still stands as one of the most cooperative and thorough analyses done to date. CAR collected data on 42 vehicles from 4 segments representing 50 percent of the U.S. light-duty fleet. Most recently, CAR has published a Materials and Manufacturing Technology Roadmap (Modi & Vadhavkar),
