Connected Vehicle Technology | Center for Automotive Research An independent nonprofit research organization Tue, 05 Mar 2024 23:01:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Connected Vehicle Technology | Center for Automotive Research 32 32 Partner Whitepaper: Automotive Digital Transformation in Uncertain Times Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:36:15 +0000

Partner Whitepaper: Automotive Digital Transformation in Uncertain Times 

The automotive industry is experiencing a profound CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared, and Electrified) driven transformation, leading to changes in virtually every aspect of the business. In addition to this CASE-related disruption, several macro factors add to the overall uncertainty, requiring a rethinking of traditional strategies to survive and thrive during this transition.

Developing an agile, resilient organization with a focus on people, processes, and technology is key to addressing uncertainty and mitigating risk. From a people perspective, as the industry becomes more technology-centric, the demand—and competition—for digital talent will only intensify. OEMs and suppliers must become employers of choice, competing with Silicon Valley for the cream of the hi-tech talent pool.

From a process perspective, winning companies must develop the ability to anticipate and respond to an increasingly complex and disrupted ‘normal’ and, more so than ever, place the customer experience at the center of their strategies, look beyond their four walls for operational excellence, and respond to opportunities with laser-like precision and speed.

Finally, organizations must implement an information technology architecture centered on a data-driven, cloud-based digital operating platform capable of providing scalability, agility, resilience, and actionable insights to achieve competitive advantage.

It may be cliché to say that the auto industry stands at a historic crossroads—but this reality also brings an unparalleled opportunity for exponential growth while building a foundation for the next 100 years.

The Electric Vehicle Battery and Circular Economy Observations Tue, 16 Jan 2024 15:26:35 +0000 The Electric Vehicle Battery and Circular Economy Observations

Recycling, Jobs, R&D & Scope 3 Carbon Emissions

The concept of a circular economy for Lithium-Ion batteries (LiBs), along with its drivers, barriers and enablers has been studied recently (NREL 2021) with a view to inform public policy at the federal, state, and local levels and associated government initiatives and related goal setting. More recently, estimates on the monetary value generated per ton of battery recycling material have begun to appear [McKinsey 2023], as private investors and public sector agencies look for strategic and operational guidance. At Center for Automotive Research (CAR) we have observed an accelerated investment in electric-vehicle (EV) assembly plants, EV LiB manufacturing and related research & development (R&D) in the North America – primarily in the United States (U.S.), followed by Canada and Mexico.

With the intention of looking ahead and informing automotive policy makers, investors, manufacturers and suppliers, and communities, including the state and local economic developers, CAR has summarized our initial observations in this whitepaper. We begin with an overview of the U.S. battery recycling plant locations and capacities, as they stand in mid-2023. This is followed by our observation of the U.S. market demand for battery recycling jobs, skills, and roles. Next, we outline the U.S. battery R&D outlay and then conclude with an early observation of the growing urgency to help the auto investors and communities with Scope 3 Reporting. Keywords: Circularity, batteries, Lithium-ion, recycling, emissions, Scope 3, electric vehicles, EVs, inflation reduction act, IRA.

Analog AM Band Interference in Electric Vehicles Fri, 03 Nov 2023 21:26:38 +0000 There is an effort in the US Congress to require automakers to maintain AM radio in all vehicles, including new electric vehicles (EVs). However, the nature of EVs and their operating conditions, including acceleration and deceleration, pose a challenge to ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) with the analog AM band radio. This study, conducted by the Center for Automotive Research (CAR), shows that mitigating electromagnetic interference (EMI) in an EV is challenging and could lead to added costs for vehicle manufacturers. The cost of mitigation depends upon the electrical architecture of the vehicle and entails several design and engineering tradeoffs. Automakers may mitigate some EMI through vehicle engineering choices, including shielding, filtering, active noise cancellation, and strategic placement of components. These mitigation techniques can improve analog AM band reception. However, a total vehicle system EMC requirement would need to be included from the beginning of any future EV redesign, if not already considered by the automakers, to eliminate the need for piecemeal late-stage mitigations. These costs can be avoided by deleting analog AM radio from vehicles and providing consumers with alternative products for in-vehicle audio content.

State of ADAS, Automation, and Connectivity Wed, 08 Mar 2023 19:50:01 +0000 Vehicles are currently in a new stage of evolution that includes advanced driver assist, connectivity, and automation. Due to the evolving nature of the technology and shifting consumer preferences, the timing and pathway for implementation of these technologies is still uncertain. While these new technologies are still evolving, an understanding of the current automotive landscape may help provide a view to future developments.

The Center for Automotive Research is committed to informing the public about the current state of vehicle technologies. In 2017, 2019, and 2020, CAR published roadmaps describing the current and likely future state of vehicle technologies. To ensure the information forecasted by CAR remained current and reflected the latest in vehicle technologies, trends, and expectations, CAR conducted ongoing research and moderated industry roundtables. Industry roundtable experts included auto manufacturers, parts suppliers, technology providers, data providers, autonomous platforms providers, and technology investors. Following the roundtables, CAR developed an updated roadmap and white paper reflecting industry trends and expectations. This paper summarizes critical issues involving the development and deployment of technology in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), autonomous vehicles (AV), and vehicle connectivity.

MDOT Processes in Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment Wed, 04 Mar 2020 13:48:09 +0000 Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies are increasingly integrated into Michigan’s transportation systems. Effective internal communications and successful dissemination of CAV information will help to create an overall CAV environment to advance MDOT’s goals. This study leverages on literature review and an MDOT staff survey for the purposes of evaluating the current MDOT CAV initiatives, information dissemination methods and gaps, and recommending processes and tasks for MDOT to integrate CAV into department-wide activities and communication across different divisions.

Technology Roadmap: Intelligent Mobility Technologies Mon, 16 Sep 2019 14:42:51 +0000 The automotive, transportation, and mobility industries have experienced transformative changes due to advancements in connectivity and automation technologies, data analysis, and the rise of new mobility services. With such rapid changes in the industry’s landscape, an understanding of where technological development is at present and where it is likely headed is helpful to guide future decision-making.

With funding from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) has prepared this technology roadmap based on internal research and a thorough analysis of available industry reports. CAR researchers vetted the study conclusions with critical input from a group of subject matter experts. This white paper updates CAR’s previous Technology Roadmap (Smith, Spulber, Modi, & Fiorelli, 2017) published in 2017.

Impact of Automated, Connected, Electric, and Shared (ACES) Vehicles on Design, Materials, Manufacturing, and Business Models Mon, 30 Jul 2018 13:58:00 +0000 The automotive industry is going through an unprecedented change with advancements in innovative technologies and changing consumer preferences. In the future, it is likely that city transportation will be dominated by automated, connected, electric, and shared (ACES) vehicles. The Center for Automotive Research (CAR) took an initiative to research the impacts of ACES vehicles on design, materials, manufacturing, and business models. CAR researchers interviewed multiple experts at vehicle manufacturers, tier-1 suppliers, and new mobility companies. CAR also organized a workshop on this topic. This paper is a consolidation of expert opinions collected during the interviews and the workshop.

Opportunities to Encourage On-road Connected and Automated Vehicle Testing – Recommendations for the Saginaw Region Fri, 01 Jun 2018 10:00:11 +0000 Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology has the potential to revolutionize transportation and mobility. For now, the most promising technologies are still being researched, developed, tested, and evaluated. This work is taking place across multiple industries, as well as in academia and the public sector. Before these technologies are widely deployed on public roads, they must be tested on public roads to assure safety and efficacy. Various states and municipalities have recently become known as hubs of on-road CAV testing. Michigan is among the national and global leaders in such efforts.

With collaboration across city, economic development, chamber of commerce, and corporate representatives, Saginaw is keen to continue its economic growth and position itself as a community highly engaged with connected, automated, and mobility technologies. The Saginaw team requested that the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) explore opportunities for the region to encourage on-road CAV testing.

This document provides recommendations for the Saginaw region to pursue toward creating an on-road CAV test environment and ideas for improving regional mobility overall.

Future Cities: Navigating the New Era of Mobility Tue, 31 Oct 2017 15:00:42 +0000 This report was commissioned by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) Automotive Office to assess the potential impacts of CAVs and innovative mobility services on local communities in the state of Michigan. Bringing its communities up-to-date on the impacts of CAVs and innovative mobility services is important to ensure Michigan remains a leader in CAV development.  These technologies and services promise many benefits for local Michigan communities, but in many cases, new infrastructure or policies are required to maximize their societal benefits and overall effectiveness. This policy development and infrastructure deployment will often require an innovative and collaborative approach between local (city, township, county, charter township, and village) units of government, state agencies, in partnership with private organizations.

Communities that understand the potential challenges and benefits of IMS and CAVs and make wise capital investments based on that knowledge will be more attractive to both companies and residents. Communities that best adapt to these new mobility technologies and services will be best positioned to manage this investment.

This report first defines connected and automated vehicle technologies and various innovative mobility services. It also discusses the potential impacts these vehicles and mobility services will have on communities and transportation systems. The report concludes with guidelines for communities to maximize the benefits of CAVs and IMS for their residents, businesses, visitors and governmental entities which help to position Michigan as a leader.

With this knowledge, Michigan communities will be well-positioned to take advantage of various technology advancements and make sound decisions on infrastructure investments, transportation plans, and strategic master planning.

Strategic Growth Plan for Connected and Automated Vehicle Assets in Southeast Michigan Tue, 29 Aug 2017 15:47:17 +0000 Michigan is known worldwide for leading-edge research and manufacturing for the automotive and defense industries. Southeast Michigan (greater Detroit), in particular, is an established hub of industrial innovation, including in the high-tech, communication technology arena.

To better understand opportunities to enhance the region’s connected and automated vehicle (CAV) environment and explore ways the defense and automotive sectors can achieve greater collaboration in this space, the Advance Michigan Defense Collaborative , through funding from a Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment Defense Industry Adjustment Grant, funded the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) to develop a plan to strengthen the region’s CAV ecosystem. This Strategic Growth Plan for Connected and Automated Vehicle Assets in Southeast Michigan contains key findings from three parts of the project: a benchmarking exercise that compares southeast Michigan with four other regions on a variety of CAV technology topics, maps of regional CAV assets, and a SWOT analysis.
