CAR Research Memorandum: The Impact on the U.S. Economy of Successful versus Unsuccessful Automaker Bankruptcies

The automotive industry has long been, and continues to be, one of the most important sectors in the U.S. economy. The motor vehicle and parts manufacturing industries employed 597,000 workers directly, as of March 2009, and the Detroit 3 employed 202,8002 hourly and salary workers in the United States, as of February 2009. The international producers employed 107,5003people in the United States in January 2009. The auto industry has one of the largest economic multipliers of any sector of the U.S. economy, and is sufficiently large that its growth or contraction can be detected in changes in the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. In many states, employment in automotive and automotive parts manufacturing ranks among the top three manufacturing industries.

How Automakers Plan Their Products: A Primer for Policymakers on Automotive Industry Business Planning

A great deal of public discussion has focused on petroleum use and greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles. An inevitable response has been to call upon automakers to produce higher-mileage vehicles. Many policymakers have suggested regulations to spur more fuel efficient designs. But little effort has been made to explain to policymakers and the public the intricate decision-making process entailed in changing vehicle designs or adjusting product plans to meet new needs.

Vehicle Technology Trends in Electronics for the North American Market; Opportunities for the Taiwanese Automotive Industry

The purpose of this study is to conduct a preliminary investigation into the future business potential for automotive electronics, particularly for general Taiwanese companies. Although many Taiwanese companies are targeting China as a growth opportunity, our preliminary investigation was based on North America with the understanding that a more targeted investigation for China could be a future investigation. We recognized that the North American perspective would provide significant input, even to the Chinese market, because many of the auto companies and supplier’s practices and projections are easy to generalize from since they are global.

Changing Business Dynamics in the Automotive Supplier Sector: The Strategic Use of Mergers & Acquisitions, Outsourcing, Supply Chain Consolidation, and IT by Automotive Suppliers

Automotive suppliers find themselves facing a business environment that continues to grow more competitive. Rising materials prices coupled with demands for price cuts, as well as the growing cost of health care and increased competition have created a business environment in which suppliers struggle to succeed.

Prepared for gedas, USA, Inc.

The Auto Industry Moving South: An Examination of Trends

Since the late 1980s, a number of high-profile automotive assembly facilities—and their associated jobs—have located in the southern portion of the United States—in a region which previously had a small automotive presence.

This study was prepard for the Automotive Communities Partnership.

Estimating the New Automotive Value Chain

The automotive value chain is comprised of one of the largest sets of interconnected markets in the U.S. economy. We define the automotive value chain as the accumulated value produced by companies that sell components,

This study was prepared for Accenture.

Michigan: The High-Technology Automotive State

There is no fixed “official” definition for the concept of high tech. At different times various organizations and individuals have issued such labels as the “new category,” “information age,” “Internet economy,” “ economy,” “web economy,” “silicon states,” or cyber-states,” and so on.

This report was prepared for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation