Mexico | Center for Automotive Research An independent nonprofit research organization Fri, 03 Dec 2021 00:16:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mexico | Center for Automotive Research 32 32 The State of Industry X in Automotive Wed, 06 Jan 2021 12:00:00 +0000 With the support of a unique and powerful consortium of technology companies, the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) investigated the state of Industry X in automotive. Although the research included mostly North American participants, and thus presents a North American perspective, the participating companies are global.

Industry X acknowledges that the pace of change has become so rapid that it no longer makes sense to think of manufacturing and production as advancing in discrete stages. The digital technologies that gave rise to the concept of “Industry 4.0” have continued to improve. No organization can reasonably aspire to adopt a state-of-the-art digital enterprise architecture because “state-of-the-art” is sure to advance by some degree by the time a new enterprise architecture is deployed.

This project presents an ecosystem approach to Industry X research. Industry X is a massive, complex, and rapidly evolving sector. The CAR research team thinks it is unlikely that any entity or individual can fully comprehend the depth and breadth of Industry X. To use a well-worn phrase, it takes a village to implement—and research—Industry X. The CAR Industry X ecosystem team consists of Hardware (Dell and Intel), Data Management (Cloudera), Digital Automation and Analytics (Rockwell Automation and PTC), Consulting (Accenture), and Cloud Infrastructure (Microsoft Azure). These companies provided financial support—but equally important, they provided the CAR research team with unmatched technical and strategic knowledge and perspective. Throughout the project, the CAR researcher’s interaction with the industry and the consortium members proved that no one participant has all the answers. A collaborative ecosystem would be a beneficial environment for all of these stakeholders.

Roof Lightweighting Study Tue, 17 Mar 2020 17:50:47 +0000 Vehicle mass reduction or “lightweighting” has been deemed very important by automakers because of many benefits including performance and fuel economy. The arrival of automated, connected, electrified, and shared (ACES) technology will make lightweighting more important in the future because of added weight and range anxiety in battery electric vehicles (BEVs).

The CALM group selected the vehicle roof structure for a co-development lightweighting study because it provides an opportunity for mixed-material application. The baseline vehicle for this research is the 2011 Honda Accord which has a mild steel roof structure. The design space contains twelve parts including the roof panel, roof bows, roof rails, and the headers.

Lightweighting ideas submitted by various CALM members were tested on various qualitative and quantitative parameters such as manufacturing readiness, joining feasibility, reparability, ability of computer simulation, etc. The project team selected four concepts after filtering through various combinations of the lightweighting ideas. All four concepts were studied by computer aided engineering methods including finite element analysis and design of experiments. The performance of the lightweight concepts were compared to the baseline.

Evaluating Innovative Dissimilar Material Joining Technologies Wed, 11 Mar 2020 13:49:55 +0000 Due to the need to reduce overall vehicle mass, vehicle manufacturers are turning to a multi-material approach to vehicle construction more extensively than has been historically the case. However, because of the differences in the chemical and physical properties of these materials, joining is not as straightforward as, say, welding steel to steel.

This study, performed under the auspices of LIFT ( and the U.S. Office of Naval Research (, looks at how various materials can be effectively joined as well as at various processes to perform the joining.

Automotive Dashboard Sun, 19 Jan 2020 19:53:58 +0000 Unavailable for public download. For more information on how to put CAR to work for you on a proprietary research project, contact Shaun Whitehouse at


Technology Roadmap: Materials and Manufacturing Mon, 07 Oct 2019 13:11:43 +0000 This report forecasts materials and manufacturing trends based on the CAR team’s research findings as well as input from subject matter experts. The results show that several factors can affect the industry’s progress on material technology in the coming decades, including fuel economy regulations, added weight due to batteries, ADAS, comfort features, increasing durability requirements for shared vehicles, and safety. CAR researchers found that vehicle lightweighting will remain a top priority for the industry as automakers strive to use the right materials for the correct application promoting mixed-material body structures.

With funding from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) has prepared this technology roadmap based on internal research and a thorough analysis of available industry reports. CAR researchers vetted the study conclusions with critical input from a group of subject matter experts. This white paper updates CAR’s previous Technology Roadmap (Smith, Spulber, Modi, & Fiorelli, 2017) published in 2017.

Technology Roadmap: Intelligent Mobility Technologies Mon, 16 Sep 2019 14:42:51 +0000 The automotive, transportation, and mobility industries have experienced transformative changes due to advancements in connectivity and automation technologies, data analysis, and the rise of new mobility services. With such rapid changes in the industry’s landscape, an understanding of where technological development is at present and where it is likely headed is helpful to guide future decision-making.

With funding from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) has prepared this technology roadmap based on internal research and a thorough analysis of available industry reports. CAR researchers vetted the study conclusions with critical input from a group of subject matter experts. This white paper updates CAR’s previous Technology Roadmap (Smith, Spulber, Modi, & Fiorelli, 2017) published in 2017.

NAFTA Briefing: Review of current NAFTA proposals and potential impacts on the North American automotive industry Thu, 26 Apr 2018 16:59:36 +0000 The U.S. automotive industry is heavily dependent on trade within the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) region. Current proposals to change how NAFTA works in the automotive and parts industries have the potential to alter these U.S. industries dramatically.  The renegotiation of NAFTA is ongoing, and proposals are changing every day. This briefing examines many of the current issues on the table and the potential impact of those proposals on the U.S. and North American automotive and parts industries.


Technology Roadmaps: Intelligent Mobility Technology; Materials and Manufacturing Processes; and Light Duty Vehicle Propulsion Mon, 19 Jun 2017 06:30:15 +0000 Major technological advances to both products and manufacturing processes are accelerating innovation throughout the automotive industry. To capture the scope of these technologies, CAR has developed a technology roadmap for the automotive sector to provide a broad understanding of technology trends throughout the industry from current year to beyond 2030.
CAR identified and reviewed over a hundred existing roadmaps published by consulting firms, independent think tanks, trade journals, and CAR’s own research. CAR also conducted literature searches and reviewed announcements at key industry events to identify any emerging technology trends not covered in existing roadmaps. Based on the information gathered, CAR synthesized the research and existing roadmaps into three groups: Intelligent Mobility Technology; Materials and Manufacturing Processes; and Light Duty Vehicle Propulsion. Once these synthesized technology roadmaps were developed, CAR convened a roundtable of 25 experts from each of the technology groups to validate the findings.
This whitepaper synthesizes the results of this technology roadmap project, adding further interpretation of the challenges and concerns related to the projected technology and manufacturing trends. The paper is organized into three distinct categories:

  • Intelligent Mobility Technology
  • Materials and Manufacturing Processes
  • Light Duty Vehicle Propulsion
NAFTA Briefing: Trade benefits to the automotive industry and potential consequences of withdrawal from the agreement Thu, 05 Jan 2017 05:00:00 +0000 The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the United States, Canada, and Mexico has been in place since January 1994. Continent-wide reduction or elimination of customs tariffs allowed vehicle manufacturers and suppliers to optimize operational structures by locating assembly operations and supply chain manufacturing in best cost location, which helps keep the domestic automotive industry competitive with growing global capacity. NAFTA has attracted billions of dollars of domestic re-investment and new foreign direct investment into the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

President Trump has signaled his intention to withdraw from NAFTA or to renegotiate major provisions of the agreement. NAFTA has contributed to the growth of integrated automotive production and supply networks within the North American region, and significant changes to the tariff structure will have major ramifications for automotive manufacturers and suppliers. These ramifications range from the vehicle makers’ ability to deliver an affordable mix of vehicles consumers demand, to the ability to support supply chain requirements with globally cost-competitive raw materials as well as products that might not have any sources within the United States.

While there are always opportunities to improve the effectiveness —a wholesale withdrawal from NAFTA could set in motion a series of unintended consequences that would constrain future growth of the U.S. automotive industry. This briefing outlines the benefits of NAFTA to the automotive industry, consumers, and the economy as a whole, as well as the potential consequences if the U.S. were to unilaterally withdraw from NAFTA.

The Growing Role of Mexico in the North American Automotive Industry – Trends, Drivers and Forecasts Mon, 01 Aug 2016 04:00:00 +0000 Mexican auto assembly capacity is projected to more than double in size between 2010 and 2020. The major reason for this rapid growth is the infusion of $13.3 billion in investment to move 3.3 million units of vehicle capacity from Japan, Germany, and S. Korea to Mexico rather than the movement of U.S. and Canadian capacity. This report highlights North American vehicle production trends, and demonstrates that while automakers and suppliers are attracted by Mexico’s low labor rates, there are many other factors behind Mexico’s growing role in the North American automotive industry.

Combined with lower labor costs, Mexico’s unique free trade position with 40 countries and access to 47 percent of the world’s automotive market provides a significant competitive edge to attract automotive investment that the United States and Canada do not have. Growth in Mexican production volumes, however, can still result in new business for U.S. and Canadian suppliers. Due to well-integrated North American supply chains, vehicles produced in Mexico may be comprised of up to 40 percent U.S. content. In fact, U.S. exports of parts and components to Mexico more than doubled between 2005 and 2014 to a level of $18.4 billion.
