Industry 4.0 | Center for Automotive Research An independent nonprofit research organization Wed, 17 Aug 2022 14:48:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Industry 4.0 | Center for Automotive Research 32 32 Digital Transformation and Its Impact on Quality Assurance Whitepaper Wed, 17 Aug 2022 14:48:05 +0000 The conversion brought forth by digital transformation and advanced technologies has made a tremendous impact on the way manufacturers process and manage their organizations. While the strategies of agile and modern management systems, specifically quality management, are the result of digital conversion, there is still limited understanding and unclear identification in this new era of quality assurance impact. With the development of digital methodologies, the classical system of operating businesses has been disrupted. As a result, many organizations are in the process of reacting to digitization by utilizing enhanced business platforms and rebuilding the waterfall approach to the agile approach.

The interviews conducted during this research stated that companies are mainly motivated by a focus on process improvement and demands communicated by their customers. The aim of this paper is to describe how digitization and transformation to new technologies can impact the quality assurance system of the manufacturers, specifically the automotive industries.

Competition amongst quality and consumer satisfaction are the most challenging factors in each industry. This project will focus on the influence of progressive technologies and ingenuity on a variety of modern, agile, and advanced processes in the automotive industry.

The research paper includes the investigation and the introduction of numerous developments and inventions in manufacturing organizations in the last few years. The paper begins by introducing the current challenges in existing processes and the impact of digital methodologies in planning and management – specifically in quality management. This qualitative research will also incorporate a summary that covers the digital transformation and the optimizations in the quality assurance sector of the automotive field.

  • Industry Focus: Technology and Innovation
  • Research Focus: Automotive Industries

The summary of this project will benefit educators within the advanced technology field, manufacturing stakeholders, as well as management. The research will be presented to educate the audience about introducing artificial modern technologies in order to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness of the organization.

The State of Industry X in Automotive Wed, 06 Jan 2021 12:00:00 +0000 With the support of a unique and powerful consortium of technology companies, the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) investigated the state of Industry X in automotive. Although the research included mostly North American participants, and thus presents a North American perspective, the participating companies are global.

Industry X acknowledges that the pace of change has become so rapid that it no longer makes sense to think of manufacturing and production as advancing in discrete stages. The digital technologies that gave rise to the concept of “Industry 4.0” have continued to improve. No organization can reasonably aspire to adopt a state-of-the-art digital enterprise architecture because “state-of-the-art” is sure to advance by some degree by the time a new enterprise architecture is deployed.

This project presents an ecosystem approach to Industry X research. Industry X is a massive, complex, and rapidly evolving sector. The CAR research team thinks it is unlikely that any entity or individual can fully comprehend the depth and breadth of Industry X. To use a well-worn phrase, it takes a village to implement—and research—Industry X. The CAR Industry X ecosystem team consists of Hardware (Dell and Intel), Data Management (Cloudera), Digital Automation and Analytics (Rockwell Automation and PTC), Consulting (Accenture), and Cloud Infrastructure (Microsoft Azure). These companies provided financial support—but equally important, they provided the CAR research team with unmatched technical and strategic knowledge and perspective. Throughout the project, the CAR researcher’s interaction with the industry and the consortium members proved that no one participant has all the answers. A collaborative ecosystem would be a beneficial environment for all of these stakeholders.

Automation Adoption & Implications for the Automotive Workforce Mon, 04 Nov 2019 13:12:48 +0000 Many automakers and suppliers continue to face both challenges and opportunities as the automotive industry progresses through an era of rapid innovation as automation and artificial intelligence in the manufacturing setting continues to advance. Automotive companies widely report difficulty in finding enough qualified, skilled employees. Meanwhile, automation and artificial intelligence could potentially revolutionize manufacturing and change both the number of future workers required and the skills those people will need to possess.

With funding from Case Western Reserve University, the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) has prepared this report summarizing a benchmarking survey conducted across over 120 firms. The survey was conducted by Case Western Reserve University in partnership with Boston University, Center for Automotive Research, New York University, Precision Metalforming Association, and multiple part supplier associations. The survey investigates two questions: 1) what drives the adoption of new technology in the manufacturing setting and 2) how do a firm’s relationships with technology and its employees affect this adoption.
