Transportation Planning | Center for Automotive Research An independent nonprofit research organization Fri, 03 Dec 2021 00:24:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Transportation Planning | Center for Automotive Research 32 32 Implementation Recommendations for Management Procedures for Data Collected via CAV Wed, 25 Jul 2018 13:01:19 +0000 The report first reviews six MDOT data systems: Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS), Transportation Asset Management System (TAMS), Data Use Analysis and Processing (DUAP), Truck Parking Information Management System (TPIMS), and Road Weather Information System (RWIS). While MDOT had been proactive in ITS and CAV applications development and adoption, several programs and their underlying ITS and CAV data systems have been launched successfully but independently of each other. Current standards and best practices encourage broad interconnectivity and interoperability of these data systems, especially through the use of national ITS data standards and enterprise data warehouse techniques. Therefore, the report recommends strategies to develop integrated, dynamic, and adaptive data management systems based on data management and analysis best practices and MDOT representatives’ insights about current data management practices.

Opportunities to Encourage On-road Connected and Automated Vehicle Testing – Recommendations for the Saginaw Region Fri, 01 Jun 2018 10:00:11 +0000 Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology has the potential to revolutionize transportation and mobility. For now, the most promising technologies are still being researched, developed, tested, and evaluated. This work is taking place across multiple industries, as well as in academia and the public sector. Before these technologies are widely deployed on public roads, they must be tested on public roads to assure safety and efficacy. Various states and municipalities have recently become known as hubs of on-road CAV testing. Michigan is among the national and global leaders in such efforts.

With collaboration across city, economic development, chamber of commerce, and corporate representatives, Saginaw is keen to continue its economic growth and position itself as a community highly engaged with connected, automated, and mobility technologies. The Saginaw team requested that the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) explore opportunities for the region to encourage on-road CAV testing.

This document provides recommendations for the Saginaw region to pursue toward creating an on-road CAV test environment and ideas for improving regional mobility overall.

Future Cities: Navigating the New Era of Mobility Tue, 31 Oct 2017 15:00:42 +0000 This report was commissioned by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) Automotive Office to assess the potential impacts of CAVs and innovative mobility services on local communities in the state of Michigan. Bringing its communities up-to-date on the impacts of CAVs and innovative mobility services is important to ensure Michigan remains a leader in CAV development.  These technologies and services promise many benefits for local Michigan communities, but in many cases, new infrastructure or policies are required to maximize their societal benefits and overall effectiveness. This policy development and infrastructure deployment will often require an innovative and collaborative approach between local (city, township, county, charter township, and village) units of government, state agencies, in partnership with private organizations.

Communities that understand the potential challenges and benefits of IMS and CAVs and make wise capital investments based on that knowledge will be more attractive to both companies and residents. Communities that best adapt to these new mobility technologies and services will be best positioned to manage this investment.

This report first defines connected and automated vehicle technologies and various innovative mobility services. It also discusses the potential impacts these vehicles and mobility services will have on communities and transportation systems. The report concludes with guidelines for communities to maximize the benefits of CAVs and IMS for their residents, businesses, visitors and governmental entities which help to position Michigan as a leader.

With this knowledge, Michigan communities will be well-positioned to take advantage of various technology advancements and make sound decisions on infrastructure investments, transportation plans, and strategic master planning.

Strategic Growth Plan for Connected and Automated Vehicle Assets in Southeast Michigan Tue, 29 Aug 2017 15:47:17 +0000 Michigan is known worldwide for leading-edge research and manufacturing for the automotive and defense industries. Southeast Michigan (greater Detroit), in particular, is an established hub of industrial innovation, including in the high-tech, communication technology arena.

To better understand opportunities to enhance the region’s connected and automated vehicle (CAV) environment and explore ways the defense and automotive sectors can achieve greater collaboration in this space, the Advance Michigan Defense Collaborative , through funding from a Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment Defense Industry Adjustment Grant, funded the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) to develop a plan to strengthen the region’s CAV ecosystem. This Strategic Growth Plan for Connected and Automated Vehicle Assets in Southeast Michigan contains key findings from three parts of the project: a benchmarking exercise that compares southeast Michigan with four other regions on a variety of CAV technology topics, maps of regional CAV assets, and a SWOT analysis.

Use of Data from Connected and Automated Vehicles for Travel Demand Modeling Thu, 01 Oct 2015 04:00:00 +0000 Travel demand modeling is a crucial component of transportation planning and system management. Unfortunately, creating an accurate model of network traffic patterns can be difficult and time consuming. The calibration and validation of travel demand modeling requires the use of extensive datasets that describe the travel characteristics of people in the modeling area. This study investigates the potential use of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) data for both statewide and regional-level modeling. While there are related privacy and data management issues to overcome, the data collected from CAVs holds great promise for supporting travel forecasting modeling, transportation system management and planning.

Crowdsourcing Transportation Systems Data Wed, 01 Apr 2015 04:00:00 +0000 “Crowdsourcing” has been a topic of increasing interest in the popular press, but the concept is often ill-defined. Crowdsourcing involves leveraging the combined intelligence, knowledge, or experience of a group of people to answer a question, solve a problem, or manage a process.

Due to ever-increasing connectivity and emerging data analysis techniques, crowdsourced data are expected continue to increase in value and use within transportation systems operations. This report develops a clear and internally consistent taxonomy for crowdsourced data that can be used to structure related discussions and describes how agencies may leverage various types of crowdsourced data for transportation system management.

Assessment of Tax Revenue Generated by the Automotive Sector for the Year 2013 Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:00:00 +0000 This CAR study demonstrates that the U.S. automotive sector has a large impact throughout the nation and provides support to state and federal governments in the form of taxes and fees collected from sales, employees, drivers, and the auto companies themselves. In 2013, the manufacture, sale, and use of motor vehicles generated at least $206 billion in state and federal government tax revenues. State governments brought in $110 billion in automotive-related tax revenues, representing approximately 13 percent of all state government revenues, and the federal government brought in $95.5 billion in automotive-related tax revenues, representing approximately 3.4 percent of federal government revenues. Taxes estimated in this study include sales taxes from motor vehicle purchases and dealership service, payroll taxes from employees working in the automotive industry, fuel taxes from gas stations, registration and license taxes from drivers and vehicle owners, and corporate income taxes and licensing fees from the automakers, automotive suppliers, and dealerships.

Contribution of the Automotive Industry to the Economies of All Fifty States and the United States Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:00:00 +0000 Six years after the worst recession since the 1930s, the American economy is demonstrating many signs of strengthening, and the auto industry is helping drive that recovery. Despite recent economic hardships, auto manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers employ over 1.5 million people and directly contribute to the creation of another 5.7 million jobs. In total, the auto industry supports 7.25 million private sector jobs, almost $500 billion in annual compensation, and nearly $65 billion in personal tax revenues. In this paper, the authors touch on the many factors that support the auto industry’s importance and standing in the national economy, along with an estimate of the industry’s employment and economic contribution to the national economy and to each of the 50 states.

Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems in Beijing Sat, 01 Feb 2014 05:00:00 +0000 With an increasing population and expanding economy, China has emerged as an important world power. In recent decades, China’s urban population has grown exponentially, with a corresponding increase in the personal wealth of citizens. The capital city of Beijing exemplifies the rapid development of urban China. The city is now home to over twenty-million people and is expected to continue gaining residents. This growth also drives unprecedented challenges for urban policy and city management. This report provides background information needed in order to develop solutions for the mobility and air quality challenges facing Beijing.

International Survey of Best Practices in Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies: 2013 Update Thu, 01 Aug 2013 04:00:00 +0000 Michigan is a major U.S. center of connected vehicle technology development and testing, but other states within the country are involved in significant connected vehicle activities as are other countries throughout the world. This report investigates connected and automated vehicle activities underway outside Michigan, especially international examples, for the purpose of understanding and describing overall best practices in connected and automated vehicles.
