Sustainable Community and Economic Development | Center for Automotive Research An independent nonprofit research organization Fri, 03 Dec 2021 00:24:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sustainable Community and Economic Development | Center for Automotive Research 32 32 Opportunities to Encourage On-road Connected and Automated Vehicle Testing – Recommendations for the Saginaw Region Fri, 01 Jun 2018 10:00:11 +0000 Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology has the potential to revolutionize transportation and mobility. For now, the most promising technologies are still being researched, developed, tested, and evaluated. This work is taking place across multiple industries, as well as in academia and the public sector. Before these technologies are widely deployed on public roads, they must be tested on public roads to assure safety and efficacy. Various states and municipalities have recently become known as hubs of on-road CAV testing. Michigan is among the national and global leaders in such efforts.

With collaboration across city, economic development, chamber of commerce, and corporate representatives, Saginaw is keen to continue its economic growth and position itself as a community highly engaged with connected, automated, and mobility technologies. The Saginaw team requested that the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) explore opportunities for the region to encourage on-road CAV testing.

This document provides recommendations for the Saginaw region to pursue toward creating an on-road CAV test environment and ideas for improving regional mobility overall.

Building Capacity and Capability in the Bio-based Materials Manufacturing Sector Thu, 01 Sep 2016 04:00:00 +0000 The Center for Automotive Research (CAR), with support from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration as part of the Make it in America Challenge, produced this research to explore pathways toward building capacity and capability in automotive use of manufactured biomaterials. Biomaterials bring manufacturing and agriculture together through innovation in developing and manufacturing plant-based advanced materials for automotive uses. There is a long history of using bio-based materials that goes back to the earliest days of the automotive industry.

The automotive industry’s interest in environmentally-friendly materials and technologies goes beyond lightweighting and regulation compliance. Other factors driving the increased use of biomaterials include economic, sustainability, business, and product-specific concerns. Bio-based materials are not likely to achieve widespread adoption in the automotive industry as long as petrochemical prices remain low, policymakers do not incentivize or mandate their usage, and/or consumer demand is low. However, the companies and organizations that are currently working to develop bio-based materials do so to ensure they are ready with a diverse portfolio of products if and when conditions become more favorable.

The Growing Role of Mexico in the North American Automotive Industry – Trends, Drivers and Forecasts Mon, 01 Aug 2016 04:00:00 +0000 Mexican auto assembly capacity is projected to more than double in size between 2010 and 2020. The major reason for this rapid growth is the infusion of $13.3 billion in investment to move 3.3 million units of vehicle capacity from Japan, Germany, and S. Korea to Mexico rather than the movement of U.S. and Canadian capacity. This report highlights North American vehicle production trends, and demonstrates that while automakers and suppliers are attracted by Mexico’s low labor rates, there are many other factors behind Mexico’s growing role in the North American automotive industry.

Combined with lower labor costs, Mexico’s unique free trade position with 40 countries and access to 47 percent of the world’s automotive market provides a significant competitive edge to attract automotive investment that the United States and Canada do not have. Growth in Mexican production volumes, however, can still result in new business for U.S. and Canadian suppliers. Due to well-integrated North American supply chains, vehicles produced in Mexico may be comprised of up to 40 percent U.S. content. In fact, U.S. exports of parts and components to Mexico more than doubled between 2005 and 2014 to a level of $18.4 billion.

Contribution of New-Car Dealerships to the Economies of All 50 States and the United States Tue, 01 Sep 2015 04:00:00 +0000 New-car dealerships are found in nearly every community across the country, and are well-known for supporting their local areas through funding for children’s sporting events, local charities, and even assisting with the sale of Girl Scout cookies. Though some may overlook the largeness and importance of this industry, auto dealerships employ more than one million people directly and support over 1.18 million private sector jobs nationwide. These jobs result in more than $143 billion in compensation each year and nearly $19.3 billion in personal tax revenues. This publication highlights the factors that demonstrate the importance of U.S. automotive dealerships and their standing in the national economy, along with an estimate of the industry’s employment and economic contribution to the economies of the 50 states. Furthermore, the report details the upcoming challenges and opportunities new-car dealerships will have to take on in coming years in order to remain competitive with increasing online resources for consumers.

Contribution of the Automotive Industry to the Economies of All Fifty States and the United States Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:00:00 +0000 Six years after the worst recession since the 1930s, the American economy is demonstrating many signs of strengthening, and the auto industry is helping drive that recovery. Despite recent economic hardships, auto manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers employ over 1.5 million people and directly contribute to the creation of another 5.7 million jobs. In total, the auto industry supports 7.25 million private sector jobs, almost $500 billion in annual compensation, and nearly $65 billion in personal tax revenues. In this paper, the authors touch on the many factors that support the auto industry’s importance and standing in the national economy, along with an estimate of the industry’s employment and economic contribution to the national economy and to each of the 50 states.

Assessment of Tax Revenue Generated by the Automotive Sector for the Year 2013 Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:00:00 +0000 This CAR study demonstrates that the U.S. automotive sector has a large impact throughout the nation and provides support to state and federal governments in the form of taxes and fees collected from sales, employees, drivers, and the auto companies themselves. In 2013, the manufacture, sale, and use of motor vehicles generated at least $206 billion in state and federal government tax revenues. State governments brought in $110 billion in automotive-related tax revenues, representing approximately 13 percent of all state government revenues, and the federal government brought in $95.5 billion in automotive-related tax revenues, representing approximately 3.4 percent of federal government revenues. Taxes estimated in this study include sales taxes from motor vehicle purchases and dealership service, payroll taxes from employees working in the automotive industry, fuel taxes from gas stations, registration and license taxes from drivers and vehicle owners, and corporate income taxes and licensing fees from the automakers, automotive suppliers, and dealerships.

Accelerating the Growth of the U.S. Automotive Manufacturing Industry at Home, Rather than Abroad Sat, 01 Nov 2014 04:00:00 +0000 This CAR research initiative examines the critical success factors necessary for continued global automotive investment growth within the southern U.S. automotive manufacturing region. The states funding the effort include Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee, which are referred to in this study as the Southern Automotive Research Alliance (SARA). Through the support of key automotive states and regional interests, this study seeks to address the common challenges and indentify actionable recommendations aimed at supporting states as they strategize collaborative efforts to attract new automotive investment and create more automotive employment in the United States, and particularly in the Southeast region.

Repurposing Former Auto Manufacturing Sites Tue, 01 Nov 2011 04:00:00 +0000 As the automotive landscape in the United States has changed during its 100+ year presence in the country, many manufacturing facilities have closed. But in the recent economic downturn, the auto industry went through an accelerated restructuring, downsizing operations and closing more manufacturing facilities. The unprecedented numbers of shuttered facilities cripple local communities—not only because of the resulting jobs losses, but also due to the mark left on their physical landscape. It can be a very long process to redevelop automotive industrial sites, avoid blight, and replace some of jobs once supported by economic activities on the site.

In the recent industry restructuring, many fairly modern facilities that were supported by significant public investments were closed. However, these closed facilities represent opportunities for communities to reinvent themselves by finding productive, new uses for the properties. The Center for Automotive Research (CAR) received a grant from U.S. Department of Labor, at the request of the White House Council on Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers, to research these opportunities. The project includes developing a database of closed and repurposed facilities as well as case study reports on seven communities that have dealt with a plant closure and attempted, both successfully and unsuccessfully, to transition the property.

Automotive property redevelopments bring with them a unique set of challenges, and this report provides communities with answers, guidance, and best practices to model as they move forward.

The Economic and Environmental Impacts of a Corporate Fleet Vehicle Purchase Program Thu, 01 Oct 2009 04:00:00 +0000 The global recession and climate change have placed a premium on policies and practices that can create jobs while also addressing environmental challenges. In the United States, the business community has an opportunity to lead the way by shifting corporate vehicle fleets from reliance on the standard internal combustion engine to more fuel-efficient technologies and alternative fuels. On a large scale, such a move could substantially reduce carbon emissions by reducing the use of fossil fuels and supporting thousands of new jobs. As discussed later in this paper, if half of U.S. corporate fleets embraced alternative fuels, the potential annual reduction of carbon fuels could be the same as removing 1.2 million gasoline-powered vehicles from U.S. roads. The number of jobs created or preserved to produce the alternative vehicles could total 20,000.

While that level of benefits is theoretical, a step toward that reality came with the announcement this year that AT&T plans to invest $556 million to replace a large portion of its fleet with new alternative fuel vehicles over the next 5-10 years (depending on the vehicle). These fleet vehicle purchases will help support approximately 1,000 jobs during each year of the purchasing period. Over the ten-year period, the replacement of standard internal combustion engine vehicles with a combination of hybrid vehicles and vans that run on compressed natural gas (CNG) will reduce gasoline consumption by more than 49 million gallons. During that same period, AT&T will have reduced CO2 emissions by 211,000 metric tons – an amount equal to the emissions from more than 38,000 vehicles.

The AT&T plan could serve as a model for corporate environmental responsibility by stimulating economic growth through the creation of “green jobs” that contribute to the development or production of cleaner or more fuel-efficient technologies. Clearly, the terms green economy and green jobs could mean different things to different people. Green jobs contribute not only to economic growth, but also to furthering development and adoption of cleaner and more efficient technologies. A job that contributes to the production of a technology that is more fuel efficient or cleaner than a previous technology can be termed a green job. For example, one contribution to the green economy is in equipping vehicle assembly operations to build alternative fuel vehicles.

Over the next five years, the company plans to purchase 8,000 domestically produced vans that will be converted to CNG. In addition to the service vans, AT&T will also purchase 7,100 hybrid passenger vehicles over the next 10 years. The hybrid vehicles purchased in the initial years of the program will be Toyota Prius and Ford Escape hybrids, which will operate with an average fuel efficiency of 40.4 miles per gallon (MPG).

Smart Programming: Automotive Renewal and the Michigan Permitting Process Mon, 01 Sep 2003 04:00:00 +0000 The Center for Automotive Research (CAR) has, at the request of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), undertaken a study for the Michigan Automotive Partnership (MAP) of the time needed for the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to issue a major modification air quality permit and how it may affect future automotive investment in Michigan. This study focuses on the environmental permitting process as it applies to the new construction, or major expansion of large automotive assembly facilities in the State of Michigan. More specifically, the study examines the issues affecting the length of time involved for an automobile company to secure all necessary air quality permits prior to construction. The study’s recommendations aim at improving the relationship between manufacturers, the State of Michigan, and other stakeholders, thus, protecting the substantial automotive investment in Michigan, and making it attractive for future investment.

A Study Prepared for the Michigan Automotive Partnership and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.
