South Korea | Center for Automotive Research An independent nonprofit research organization Fri, 03 Dec 2021 00:19:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 South Korea | Center for Automotive Research 32 32 International Scan of Connected and Automated Vehicle Technology Deployment Efforts Tue, 13 Dec 2016 19:48:24 +0000 Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology development is now a global phenomenon. In just the last few years, research and pilot projects have proliferated rapidly across the world. Still, while research and development projects have become practically countless, operational deployment of CAV technology remains rare. Only a fraction of recently developed technology is available to real-world drivers. Automated driving systems (defined as SAE levels 3-5) have thus far been publically deployed only in strictly controlled environments and experimental test pilots. Connected vehicle systems are increasingly used for fleet management and infotainment, but the life-saving potential of connected vehicles through cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) has scarcely been tapped.

Considering the complexity of transportation systems, vehicle manufacturers cannot deploy many transformational technologies on their own. Bringing advanced connected and automated vehicle technology to our public roads requires coordination with public agencies at various levels of government. This report documents the most significant projects of 2016 in which public-private partnerships worked together to advance the state of connected and automated vehicle technologies through real-world testing and deployment.

Global Harmonization of Connected Vehicle Communication Standards Fri, 01 Jan 2016 05:00:00 +0000 This report examines international efforts to develop “harmonized” connected vehicle standards that would enable automakers, governments, and technology developers to, at a minimum, adopt analogous conceptual and technological frameworks across markets. While many barriers stand in the way of a truly “Globally Harmonized Standard” for Connected-ITS applications, this report discusses global harmonization efforts, including specific areas of focus, stakeholder concerns, and various communication standards being considered. The report concludes that such international harmonization of ITS standards would accelerate the deployment of C-ITS systems across the globe by leveraging economies of scale for research, development, and manufacturing activities. The accelerated deployment of C-ITS applications could also generate broad public benefits, such as improving the safety, mobility, and efficiency of the transportation system.

International Survey of Best Practices in Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies – 2014 Update Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:00:00 +0000 Early research and deployment in connected and automated vehicle (CAV) systems can provide a variety of benefits. Such efforts are taking place throughout the world (especially in the United States, Europe, and Asia). This study highlights major CAV deployment efforts throughout the world and evaluates important factors for successful deployment. Using information gathered from interviews and electronic searches, the authors determined common and contrasting themes, drivers of success, types of technology tested or deployed, and other factors to document lessons learned. By examining how CAV technology is being developed, tested, and deployed around the world, the authors identify best practices that will allow transportation agencies to strengthen their own CAV programs.

International Survey of Best Practices in Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies: 2013 Update Thu, 01 Aug 2013 04:00:00 +0000 Michigan is a major U.S. center of connected vehicle technology development and testing, but other states within the country are involved in significant connected vehicle activities as are other countries throughout the world. This report investigates connected and automated vehicle activities underway outside Michigan, especially international examples, for the purpose of understanding and describing overall best practices in connected and automated vehicles.

International Survey of Best Practices in Connected Vehicle Technologies: 2012 Update Sat, 01 Sep 2012 04:00:00 +0000 Michigan is a major U.S. center of connected vehicle technology development and testing, but other states within the country are involved in significant connected vehicle activities as are other countries throughout the world. This report investigates connected vehicle and connected vehicle-related activities underway outside Michigan, especially international examples of connected vehicle work, for the purpose of understanding and describing overall best practices in connected vehicles.
