The Center for Automotive Research is involved in the research of significant issues that relate to the future direction of the global automotive industry. As a nonprofit research organization, and in cooperation with study funders, most CAR research is released publicly through this website.
Contribution of the Motor Vehicle Supplier Sector to the Economies of the United States and Its 50 States
This report, undertaken at the request of the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA), will provide an estimation and analysis of the employment and economic contribution of the supplier-related jobs in all of the fifty states and the District of Columbia.
Key Factors that Enable Product Development: An Investigation of Creating “Cool” Products
The Center for Automotive Research has undertaken the CAR-Microsoft Program on Automotive Industry Practices. The program is a four-year research effort consisting of indepth, focused interviews with industry participants on subjects of importance to all industry stakeholders. The intent of this paper is to investigate how different companies have adapted…
Changing Business Dynamics in the Automotive Supplier Sector: The Strategic Use of Mergers & Acquisitions, Outsourcing, Supply Chain Consolidation, and IT by Automotive Suppliers
Automotive suppliers find themselves facing a business environment that continues to grow more competitive. Rising materials prices coupled with demands for price cuts, as well as the growing cost of health care and increased competition have created a business environment in which suppliers struggle to succeed. Prepared for gedas, USA,…
Contribution of Toyota to the Economies of Fourteen States and the United States in 2003
The motor vehicle industry is the largest manufacturing industry in the United States. No other single industry is linked so much to the U.S. manufacturing sector or directly generates so much retail business and employment. This study describes the economic contribution of an important company included in the U.S. motor…
The Contribution of the International Auto Sector to the U.S. Economy: An Update
This study is an update of a previous report on the economic contribution of the international automotive industry completed in 1998 for the AIAM. A study prepared for the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, Inc.
The Meaning of the 2003 UAW-Automotive Pattern Agreement
This report first reviews the general economic environment that led into the 2003 negotiations. A Research Report for the Auto Industry of the Future Program. Sponsored by Ernst & Young Global Automotive Center
Contribution of the U.S. Motor Vehicle to the Economies of the United States, California, New York, and New Jersey in 2003
The motor vehicle industry continues to be one of the most important sectors of the U.S. economy. It is sufficiently prominent to influence the movements of Gross Domestic Product, and it employs hundreds of thousands of workers in well-paying jobs across the country. Prepared by: Institute of Labor and Industrial…
The Effect of the Withdrawal of Automotive Leasing on the State of New York Economy
The purpose of this report is first to estimate the effect of the withdrawal of automotive leasing on automotive retail sales in New York, and second, to evaluate the effect of the loss of the automotive leasing option on the overall state economy. This report was completed with the cooperation…
The Auto Industry Moving South: An Examination of Trends
Since the late 1980s, a number of high-profile automotive assembly facilities—and their associated jobs—have located in the southern portion of the United States—in a region which previously had a small automotive presence. This study was prepard for the Automotive Communities Partnership.
Economic Contribution of the Automotive Industry to the U.S. Economy – An Update
The motor vehicle is the second most important possession of the great majority of Americans after housing. In no other society does the motor vehicle play such a large role in the lives of citizens and the economy in general. This study was prepared by the Center for Automotive Research…