Research Reports

LED Demand / Supply Data Base

LED Player Revenue and Capacity-2Q20 (EXCEL)


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


LED Chip and Package Revenue and Capacity-2Q20

LED Player Revenue and Capacity-2Q20 (PDF)


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


LED Chip and Package Revenue and Capacity

LED Industry Price Survey- 1Q20


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


Sapphire, Ga/P, Chip, LED Package (Backlight, Lighting, Automotive, Display, UV, IR LED, VCSEL)

LED Industry Demand and Supply Data Base- 1Q20 (PDF)


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


Demand- IT Display, Lighting, Automotive, Digital Display, UV LED, IR LED
Supply- GaN AS/P MOCVD, Wafer Sufficiency

LED Industry Demand and Supply Data Base- 1Q20 (EXCEL)


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


Demand- IT Display, Lighting, Automotive, Digital Display, UV LED, IR LED
Supply- GaN AS/P MOCVD, Wafer Sufficiency

LED Industry Quarterly Update- 1Q20


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


EU, US, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China

LED Industry Price Survey- 1Q20


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


Sapphire, Ga/P, Chip, LED Package (Backlight, Lighting, Automotive, Display, UV, IR LED, VCSEL)

LED Industry Demand and Supply Data Base- 1Q20 (EXCEL)


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


Demand- IT Display, Lighting, Automotive, Digital Display, UV LED, IR LED
Supply- GaN AS/P MOCVD, Wafer Sufficiency

LED Industry Demand and Supply Data Base- 1Q20 (PDF)


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


Demand- IT Display, Lighting, Automotive, Digital Display, UV LED, IR LED
Supply- GaN AS/P MOCVD, Wafer Sufficiency

Major Event Analysis- 2019-nCoV Impact on the LED Industry


LED Demand / Supply Data Base


Due to 2019-nCoV impact, in order to provide a more complete market model and intelligence, the 1Q20 Gold + Member Report will be published by March 20, 2020. We apologize for any inconvenience and Thank you for understanding!
2019-nCoV Impact on the LED Industry
Supply Market Analysis- Chinese LED Chip Manufacturers
Supply Market Analysis- Chinese LED Package Manufacturers
Demand Market Analysis- Automotive Lighting Sufficiently Impacted
Demand Market Analysis- Lighting Observed and Backlight Few Impacted
Demand Market Analysis- Video Wall and UV LED Benefited

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