Driving Workforce Change: Regional Impact and Implications of Auto Industry Transformation to a Green Economy
Before the Great Recession, the auto industry in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio was in the throes of restructuring—applying new technologies and production efficiencies, reducing costs, and modifying product lines to equal or beat global competitors —accompanied by an extended period of downsizing. Overlaying the recession on the restructuring compounded the challenges the industry was already facing.
Beyond the Big Leave: The Future of U.S. Automotive Human Resources
Michigan’s current automotive labor challenge and opportunity is the subject of this study, the first automotive labor market report produced by CAR’s Program for Automotive Labor and Education (PALE).
Driving Michigan’s Renaissance Human Resource Issues in Michigan’s Automotive Industry
This report will approach the future challenge in Michigan’s automotive labor market in two ways. First, in section II, a special forecast of job openings at the state’s largest vehicle producing firms (the Big Three) is presented.
The Michigan Automotive Policy Survey
This report contains two sets of overall results. First, a human resources forecast is presented. Most of the results contained in this section either describe Michigan’s automotive labor economy or forecast expected changes in Michigan’s automotive labor market during 1998-1999.