Aug 1, 2016
Collaboration demonstrates up to 65% weight savings compared to baseline design. The Coalition for Automotive Lightweighting Materials (CALM) reports on a co-development demonstration project focused on mixed-material lightweighting solutions. Collaborative contributions of more than twenty supplier companies offer a dozen integrated solutions deploying a mix of materials and technologies allowing weight reduction compared to a baseline design
Jun 1, 2011
This study conducted by the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) estimates the likely parameters of the U.S. motor vehicle market and industry in 2025. The first section discusses a general outlook for the U.S. motor vehicle market in the year 2025 based on long term social and economic factors. The second section of this study discusses the likely costs of higher fuel economy mandates to the American consumer of new light vehicles in 2025, in light of what is known by CAR regarding the potential for realistic technologies and their likely net costs to the consumer. This section also proposes four likely scenarios for fuel economy standards by 2025 (compared to 2009) and the types of fuel economy technologies that will be employed to meet those standards. The third section of this study analyzes how the impact of higher fuel economy costs, and likely costs of other federal mandates such as required safety features, will affect the U.S. motor vehicle market, production, and automotive manufacturing employment in the year 2025
Aug 1, 2009
The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) and the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) have engaged in a multi-phased project to create business strategy guideposts for SEMA members.
Oct 1, 2008
The automotive industry has undergone a transformational evolution over the last two decades. Compared to just 20 years ago, the industry is now building different, more complex products and using changing corporate structure to deliver more content to consumers while actually decreasing prices. The increases in efficiency necessary to accomplish these changes have come about as a result of painful structural change that has significantly increased collaboration between automakers and suppliers. The industry is therefore functioning under a different operational structure for which the business practices and corporate departments of both automakers and suppliers were not conceived. To take maximum advantage of the benefits offered by collaboration, and to advance the implementation of collaborative business practices even further in the future, automotive manufacturers and suppliers need to structure their companies in a way that will maximize collaboration while freeing employees and departments to do the tasks for which they are most appropriate.
Sep 1, 2008
The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) and the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) have engaged in a multi-phased project to create business strategy guideposts for SEMA members. The first report in the program—The Specialty Equipment Company of the Future: Guideposts for Technology Forecasting and Strategic Planning—identifies strategic challenges for SEMA and its member companies in the mid-term (3-7 years). The information presented is based on a series of interviews with thought leaders from vehicle manufacturers (VMs), original equipment (OE) parts suppliers, specialty equipment (SE) suppliers, and other auto industry stakeholders. These interviews were supported by literature reviews and other data gathering techniques.